Activities of the EU Representative Office in Brussels
- Building a bridge between the EU institutions and the Hungarian chamber network
The regulatory system of the European Union’s Internal Market is changing constantly. In order to be able to fulfill new requirements and to take advantage of new opportunities companies must receive up-to-date information about the changes so that they have enough time to adapt. The EU Representative Office tracks the changes of the EU-level economic regulatory system, filters out the issues that concern the Hungarian SME sector and provides entrepreneurs with first hand information through the Hungarian chamber network.
- E-newsletters every two weeks
The aim of the e-newsletters is to inform local chambers and their members about recent news, events, calls for proposals coming from the EU. The e-newsletter contains brief news and related links are connected to it offering additional information on each topic.
- Efficient and strong network at the EU scene
There is a high number of experts dealing with EU politics in Brussels, therefore it is essential to identify the persons responsible for the specific dossiers at the institutions in order to ensure efficiency in lobbying. The EU Representative Office has created its network including officials from different EU institutions, experts from organizations focusing on economy and entrepreneurship, as well as representatives of different European chambers based in Brussels.
- Hungarian-Brussels Economic Club
The aim of the club is to create an informal network of Hungarian experts dealing with economics and working in Brussels. The motto of the club is „Get know each other and help each other!” The club has around 150 members, who get together on a regular basis in order to discuss current EU dossiers.
- Lobbying EU institutions and organizations
The EU Representative Office prepares background information on policy dossiers and initiates the drafting of the Hungarian Chamber position papers reflecting the interests of Hungarian entrepreneurs. The office communicates the Hungarian Chamber positions towards the respected EU institutions and organizations.
- Representing SME interests as a member of Eurochambres
The Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry (Eurochambres) has 45 national members, including the HCCI. Eurochambres represents a significant lobby power on the EU scene. The EU Representative Office of the HCCI cooperates on a daily basis with Eurochambres experts ensuring mutual exchange of information. The representatives of national chambers participate in the 12 working groups dealing with EU policies and have the opportunity to represent the interests of the entrepreneurs of their home country.
- Active presence of the Hungarian chamber network in Brussels
The Hungarian local chambers have the opportunity to make use of the network and the database of the EU Representative Office while participating at its events organized in Brussels. In this way the efficiency of lobby actions can be multiplied significantly and local chambers have the possibility to get first hand information about current EU dossiers and calls for proposals. A 20 seats capacity meeting room is available at the premises of the EU Representative Office offering the possibility for the officials and the staff of the local chambers to organize meetings occasionally during their visit to Brussels.
- Cooperation between the representations of Hungarian regions in Brussels and the Hungarian local chamber network
Currently four Hungarian regions are represented in Brussels (West-Pannon, South-Pannon, Észak-Alföld, Budapest). The HCCI offers a communication channel in order to support effective cooperation and common interests of the local chambers and their regions at EU level. The EU representative Office is based in the House of the Hungarian Regions in Brussels.
- Development of the Belgian-Hungarian bilateral trade relations
The EU Representative Office cooperates with the network of Belgian chambers of commerce on a daily basis. It generates contacts with Belgian entrepreneurs interested in Hungarian business opportunities and vice versa. A Belgian-Hungarian Business Day is organized every year in cooperation with the Hungarian Bilateral Embassy.
Contact details of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Brussels
EU Representative Office
Mr. Péter Urbányi
Address: 38-40, Square de Meeûs, 1000 - Brussels
Mobile:+ 32 497 401 572