Dr. Antal, József |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. B. Szabó, Gábor |
Legal Director, Member of the Board of Directors (Primus Trust Zrt.) |
Dr. Bacher, Gusztáv |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Bajáky, Tamás Dr. Bagoly, Beáta |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) Attorney at Law (Győr) LL.M. |
Dr. Bán, Dániel |
Associate Professor (Corvinus, KRE) Attorney at Law (Budapest) PhD. |
Dr. Berzeviczi, Attila |
President of the Arbitration Court, Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Békési, Sándor Miklós |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Bihary, Tibor |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Bittera, Csaba |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Bodzási, Balázs |
Notary Public (Budapest) |
Prof. Dr. Boóc, Ádám |
Professor and Head of Department (KRE), Attorney at Law (Budapest) PhD. habil. |
Dr. Boronkay, Miklós Dr. Burai-Kovács, János jr. |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Prof. Dr. Burián, László |
Professor and Head of Department (PPKE, Budapest) |
Dr. Csécsy, Andrea |
Attorney at Law, Associate Professor (DE, Debrecen) PhD. |
Dr. Cseh, Tamás Zoltán |
Member of the Presidium of the Arbitration Court, Attorney at Law (Budapest) LL.M. |
Dr. Cserbáné Dr. Nagy, Andrea | Notary Public, Associate Professor (ME, Miskolc) |
Dr. Csiky, Ottó |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Damjanovic, Gábor |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Prof. Dr. Darázs, Lénárd |
Professor (ELTE), Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Dezső, Attila
Dr. Dömötör, László |
Attorney at Law (Budapest), Senior Lecturer (DE, Debrecen) LL.M. Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Dunai, Tamás |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Éless, Tamás |
Attorney at Law (Budapest), hon. Professor (ELTE) |
Dr. Erdős, Éva |
Associate Professor and Head of Department (ME), Attorney at Law (Miskolc) PhD. |
Dr. Fabó, Tibor |
Senior Lecturer (PTE), Attorney at Law (Pécs) |
Dr. Faludi, Zoltán |
Member of the Presidium of the Arbitration Court, Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Fazakas, Balázs Dr. Fehér, Tamás |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) Attorney at Law (Budapest) LL.M. |
Dr. Fejes, Gábor
Dr. Ferenczi, Kristóf Dr. Forgó, Zoltán
Attorney at Law (Budapest), hon. Associate Professor (ELTE) LL.M. Attorney at Law (Budapest) Attorney at Law (Budapest)
Prof. Dr. Fuglinszky, Ádám |
Professor (ELTE), Attorney at Law (Budapest) LL.M. |
Dr. Gadó, Gábor |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Garamvölgyi, Róbert |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Gárdos, Péter
Dr. Geller, Zsuzsanna |
Attorney at Law PhD (Budapest), habil. Associate Professor (ELTE) Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Germus, Gábor |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Grafl Fülöp, Gyöngyi |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Halász, Judit |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Halmos, Tamás |
Attorney at Law, Deputy President of the Hungarian Bar Association, President of the Bar Association in Nyíregyháza (Nyíregyháza) |
Dr. Horváth, Ágnes |
Attorney at Law (Pécs) |
Dr. Horváth, István |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Huszti, György |
Attorney at Law (Nyíregyháza) |
Dr. Janitsáry, Iván |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) LL.M. |
Dr. Járai, Gábor |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Kalmár, Jenő |
Attorney at Law (Szeged) |
Dr. Kara, Pál |
Senior Legal Counsel for Strategic Affairs (MOL Group) (Budapest) |
Dr. Katona, János |
Member of the Presidium of the Arbitration Court, Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Prof. Dr. Király, Miklós |
Professor and Head of Department (ELTE) (Budapest) |
Prof. Dr. Kisfaludi, András Dr. Kiss, Dániel András |
Professor Em. (ELTE) (Budapest) Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Kohlrusz, Milán |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Kókai, Judit |
Attorney at Law (Tatabánya) |
Dr. Korom, Veronika |
Attorney at Law (Budapest, Paris), Professor (ESSEC, Paris) |
Dr. Korsós, Boglárka |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Köves, Péter |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Kövesdi, Zoltán |
Attorney at Law (Szombathely) |
Dr. Kőhegyi, Dávid |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Kun, Péter |
Attorney at Law (Budapest, Paris) LL.M. TEP. |
Dr. Lajer, Zsolt |
Attorney at Law (Budapest), Senior Lecturer (BCE) PhD. |
Dr. Lajkóné, Dr. Vígh Judit |
Attorney at Law (Szolnok) |
Dr. László, András Dániel |
Attorney at Law (Budapest, New York) LL.M., Fellow of the CIArb |
Dr. Lohn, Balázs |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Madarassy, Tamás |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) LL.M. |
Dr. Mágori, Zsolt | Attorney at Law (Miskolc) |
Prof. Dr. Menyhárd, Attila |
Professor and Head of Department (ELTE), Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Prof. Dr. Nagy, Csongor István |
Professor and Head of Department (SZTE, Szeged), Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Nagy, Péter |
Attorney at Law (Budapest, New York) |
Dr. Nemessányi, Zoltán |
Associate Professor (BCE Budapest), Attorney at Law (Pécs) PhD. |
Dr. Németh H., Gábor |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) LL.M. |
Dr. Neukum, Flórián | Attorney at Law, President of the Székesfehérvár Bar Association (Székesfehérvár) |
Prof. Dr. Nochta, Tibor
Dr. Novák, Zoltán |
Professor and Head of Department (PTE), Attorney at Law (Pécs) Attorney at Law (Budapest) PhD. LL.M. |
Dr. Okányi, Zsolt |
Attorney at Law (Budapest), LL.M. |
Dr. Óvári, Győző |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Prof. Dr. Papp, Tekla
Dr. Parti, Tamás |
Professor and Head of Law Institute (NKE, Budapest), Attorney at Law (Szeged) Notary Public, Deputy President of the MOKK Hungarian Notary Chamber (Budapest) |
Dr. Petia, Csaba | Attorney at Law (Székesfehérvár) |
Dr. Pettkó-Szandtner, Judit |
Senior Legal Counsel (UniCredit Bank Zrt.) (Budapest) LL.M. |
Dr. Pflanzner, László |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Radics, Viktor |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Raffai, Katalin |
Associate Professor (PPKE, Budapest) |
Dr. Rátky, Miklós |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) PhD. |
Dr. Réczicza, István |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Reiniger, Balázs |
Attorney at Law, Deputy Persident of the Arbitration Court at the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (Budapest) |
Dr. Rozman, András |
Attorney at Law (Sárbogárd) |
Dr. Sallay, András |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Sándor, István |
Attorney at Law (Budapest), Professor and Head of Department (ELTE), University Privatdozent (KRE) |
Dr. Sándor, Péter Dr. Sárközy, Szabolcs |
Attorney at Law (Budapest Attorney at Law (Budapest), Senior Lecturer (BCE) LL.M. PhD. |
Dr. Schmidt, Richárd |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) LL.M. |
Prof. Dr. Sonnevend, Pál
Dr. Szakál Róbert |
Professor and Head of Department, Dean (ELTE), Attorney at Law (Budapest) Attorney at Law (Budapest) LL.M. |
Dr. Szamosi, Katalin |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Szánthó, Pál |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Szent-Ivány, Ágnes |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Szentiványi, Ildikó |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Szutrély, Gergely |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Tajthy, Attila Tamás |
Managing Director (SZHISZ) (Budapest) |
Dr. Tercsák, Tamás Dr. Tímár, Kinga |
Attorney at Law PhD (Budapest) Senior Lecturer (ELTE), Attorney at Law (Budapest) PhD. LL.M. |
Dr. Toma, Vanda |
Senior Legal Counsel (CIB Group, Budapest) |
Dr. Tóth, Ádám
Dr. Turi, György |
Notary Public, President of the MOKK Hungarian Notary Chamber (Budapest), Senior Lecturer (ELTE) Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Prof. Dr. Varga, István |
Professor and Head of Department (ELTE), Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Varga, Tamás |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Prof. Dr. Veress, Emőd |
Research Professor (Budapest), Professor (Sapientia, Cluj, ME) (Miskolc) |
Dr. Vida, Mariann |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Wallacher, Lajos |
Attorney at Law (Budapest), hon. Associate Professor (PTE) |
Dr. Wellmann, György Jr. |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Prof. Dr. Christian Aschauer |
Professor (Graz), Attorney at Law (Vienna) |
Andrea Atteritano Davor Babic Efraim Barak
Michele Bernasconi
Theodore S. Boone |
Attorney at Law (Rome) Attorney at Law (Zagreb) CAS Arbitrator, Attorney at Law (Israeli Bar, Tel-Aviv), Professor of Law (Cardinal Herrera University) Partner Bar & Karrer (Bern), President of ASDS, Member of the ASA, Lecturer at the University of Lucerne Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Erhard Böhm |
Attorney at Law (Vienna) |
Philippe Cavalieros |
Attorney at Law (Paris) |
Jens Evald | Professor (Aarhus University) |
Prof. Dr. Siegfried H. Elsing Dmitri Evseev |
Attorney at Law (Düsseldorf) Independent Arbitrator (London) |
Dr. Alice Fremuth-Wolf |
Market Head for Austria & CEE (Vienna), Lecturer of Vienna University |
Prof. Dr. Ales Galic |
Professor, Attorney at Law (Ljubljana) LL.M. PhD. |
Dr. Philipp Habegger Ulrich Haas |
Attorney at Law (Zürich) Attorney at Law (Hamburg), Professor at Law at the University of Zurich, CAS Arbitrator |
Dr. Beata Gessel Kalinowska vel Kalisz |
Attorney at Law (Warsaw) |
Dr. Daniel Hochstrasser Andrés Jana
Jean Kalicki |
Attorney at Law (Zürich) Attorney at Law and Professor of Private Law at Universidad de Chile, Arbitrator (Chile), Chair of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Working Group II Independent Arbitrator (New York) |
Vladimir Khvalei Marianne Kecsmar |
Attorney at Law (Moscow) Attorney at Law (Paris) LL.M. |
Ioana Knoll-Tudor Paul Kinninmont Hermann J. Knott |
Attorney at Law (Budapest, Paris) Attorney at Law (London) Attorney at Law (Cologne) |
Prof. Dr. Herbert Kronke |
Professor (Heidelberg) |
Prof. Dr. Stefan Kröll |
Attorney at Law, Professor (Hamburg), Chairman of the DIS Board of Directors |
Dr. Wei Lin | Attorney at Law (Shenzhen, China) |
Prof. Dr. Filip De Ly |
Professor (Rotterdam) LL.M. |
Jonathan Lux Patrizia Netal Piotr Nowaczyk |
Arbitrator, Barrister and Mediator (London) Attorney at Law (Vienna) Independent Arbitrator (Warsaw) |
Philipp A. Peters Natalia Petric |
Attorney at Law (Vienna) General Secretary of the SCC Arbitration Court (Stockholm) |
Dr. Nikolaus Pitkowitz, M.B.L.-HSG
Petra Pocrnic Perica |
Attorney at Law, President of the Vienna International Arbitral Centre (VIAC) CAS Arbitrator (Lausanne), Lecturer at Swiss School of Business and Management (Geneva) LL.M. |
Prof. Dr. Andreas Reiner Rui Botica Santos
Andreas Schregenberger |
Hon. Professor, Attorney at Law (Vienna) Partner of CRA, Arbitrator at the Portuguese Centre for Commercial Arbitration, CAS Arbitrator Attorney at Law (Zürich) |
Prof. Dr. Maxi Scherer Allan J. Stitt
Prof. Rolf Trittmann |
Attorney at Law, Professor (London) LL.M. Mediator and Arbitrator, President and CEO of ADR Chambers (Canada) Attorney at Law, Professor LL.M. (Frankfurt) |
Dr. Marc Arthur Vecsey Herman Verbist |
Attorney at Law (Vienna) Attorney at Law (Ghent), Member of CEPANI, CAS Arbitrator, Visiting Professor at the University of Ghent |
Prof. Dr. Jean-Paul Vulliéty |
Professor, Attorney at Law (Geneva) |
Tomasz Wardynski |
Attorney at Law (Warsaw) |
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Wegen |
Attorney at Law, Professor (Stuttgart) |
Prof. Dr. Marc-Philippe Weller Jonathan Wood
Reinmar Wolff |
Professor (Heidelberg) Attorney at Law, Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (London) Assistant Professor at the University of Marburg |
Dr. Arányi, Dániel Dr. Bacsa, György Dr. Bán, Péter |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) Managing Director (MOL) LL.M. Senior Legal Counsel (E.ON Hungária) (Budapest) LL.M. |
Dr. Berzeviczi, Attila |
President of the HCCI Arbitration Court, Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Csanádi, Zsolt |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Csapó, Csilla |
Attorney at Law (Székesfehérvár) |
Dr. Cseh, Tamás Zoltán |
Member of the Presidium of the Arbitration Court, Attorney at Law (Budapest) LL.M. |
Dr. Dózsa, Dániel |
Attorney at Law (London) |
Dr. Éless, Tamás |
Attorney at Law (Budapest), hon. Professor (ELTE) |
Dr. Ember, Csaba |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Faludi, Zoltán
Dr. Ferenczi, Kristóf |
Member of the Presidium of the Arbitration Court, Attorney at Law (Budapest) Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Győrfi-Tóth, Péter |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) LL.M. |
Dr. Horváth, Ádám |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Kapolyi, József Dr. Kara, Pál
Dr. Kenyeres, László Dr. Kovács, Emőke |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) Senior Legal Counsel for Strategic Affairs (MOL Group) (Budapest) Attorney at Law (Budapest) Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Kovács, Tibor József |
Attorney at Law (Debrecen) |
Dr. Lajer, Zsolt Dr. Lastofka, Bernadett |
Attorney at Law PhD, (Budapest) Advisor to the Group CEO (MET Hungary) (Budapest) |
Dr. Légrádi, Gergely |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Molnár-Bíró, György Dr. Márkusfalvi-Tóth, Ádám |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) Legal Director (MVM Next Zrt.) (Budapest) |
Prof. Dr. Nagy, Csongor István |
Professor and Head of Department (SZTE), Attorney at Law (Budapest) LL.M. |
Dr. Nagy, Péter |
Attorney at Law (Budapest, New York) |
Dr. Okányi, Zsolt |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) LL.M. |
Dr. Polgár, Péter Dr. Pozsgai, Imre |
Attorney at Law (Veszprém) Legal Counsel, Director for General Affairs (MVM Partner Zrt.) (Budapest) |
Dr. Rátky, Miklós |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) PhD. |
Dr. Réczicza, István |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Sepsey, Balázs Tamás Dr. Simon, Gábor |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Szalayné Dr. Bíró, Zsuzsanna |
Senior Consultant (JSC ACE EC – Rosatom) |
Dr. Szutrély, Gergely |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Szűcs, Bálint |
Attorney at Law (Szolnok) LL.M. |
Dr. Tercsák, Tamás |
Attorney at Law, PhD. (Budapest) |
Dr. Tomaj, Balázs |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Ujjady, Zsolt |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Prof. Dr. Varga, István |
Professor and Head of Department (ELTE), Attorney at Law (Budapest |
Dr. Vásárhelyi, Tamás |
Attorney at Law (Szombathely) |
Dr. Vég, Tibor ifj. |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Beczner, Attila |
Legal Director (OBA) (Budapest) |
Dr. Berzeviczi, Attila |
President of the HCCI Arbitration Court, Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Bodzási, Balázs |
Notary Public (Budapest) |
Dr. Botos, András Gábor |
Legal Director (MFB Zrt.) (Budapest) |
Prof. Dr. Darázs, Lénárd |
Professor (ELTE), Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Dencs, Zoltán |
Attorney at Law (Dunakeszi) |
Dr. Dezső, Attila |
Attorney at Law (Budapest), Senior Lecturer (DE, Debrecen) LL.M. |
Dr. Erdős, Gábor |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) LL.M. |
Dr. Forgó, Zoltán |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Forrai, Mihály |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Földvári-Oláh, Csaba |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Galambos, Péter |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Gárdos, Péter |
Attorney at Law PhD (Budapest), habil. Associate Professor (ELTE) PhD. |
Dr. Gyollai, János |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Győrfi-Tóth, Péter |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) LL.M. |
Dr. Halász, Judit |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Istvánovics, Éva |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Kapolyi, József Dr. Karsai, Balázs |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Kende, Tamás |
Attorney at Law (Budapest), Associate Professor (ELTE Budapest) |
Dr. Kircsi, Anikó |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) LL.M. |
Dr. Kis-Lukács, Margit |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Korba, Szabolcs |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Kosdi-Kovács, Zoltán Dr. Kovács, Tamás |
Senior Legal Counsel (K&H Bank Zrt.) (Budapest) Senior Legal Counsel, Head of Legal Section (Raiffeisen Bank Zrt.) (Budapest) |
Dr. Köller, György |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Lajer, Zsolt |
Attorney at Law, PhD (Budapest), Senior Lecturer (BCE), |
Dr. Mosonyi, Richárd |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Nemescsói, András |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Nagy, Péter |
Attorney at Law (Budapest, New York) |
Dr. Okányi, Zsolt Dr. Papcsák, Ferenc* |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) LL.M. Attorney at Law (Budapest), President of the Supervisory Board of the National Bank of Hungary (may be appointed in accordance with Section 154 (1) of the Act CXXXIX of 2013 only) |
Dr. Papócsi, Katalin |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Papp, Erika |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) LL.M. |
Dr. Pete, András Gábor |
Legal Consultant (Budapest) |
Dr. Pettkó-Szandtner, Judit |
Senior Legal Counsel (UniCredit Bank Zrt.) (Budapest) LL.M. |
Dr. Pongrácz, Tibor |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Préda, Katalin |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) LL.M. |
Dr. Rácz, Zoltán |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Rátky, Miklós |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) PhD. |
Dr. Réczicza, István |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Stanka, Gergely |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) LL.M. |
Dr. Szabó, Boldizsár |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Szabó, Dániel |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Szabó, Dénes |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Szalóki, Gergely |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) PhD. LL.M. |
Dr. Tajthy, Attila Tamás |
Managing Director, Chairperson of the Board (SZHISZ) (Budapest) |
Dr. Tihanyi, Zita Csilla |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Tomori, Erika Dr. Tompa, Csongor |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Prof. Dr. Varga, István |
Professor and Head of Department (ELTE), Attorney at Law (Budapest) |
Dr. Varga, Zoltán |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) LL.M. |
Dr. Vásárhelyi, Tamás |
Attorney at Law (Szombathely) |
Dr. Vida, Mariann Dr. Zámbó, Tamás |
Attorney at Law (Budapest) Senior Judge, retired (Győr) |