HCCI Press
Companies must leave their comfort zone if they want to avoid their business collapse, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said at a conference organised by the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry today to launch the 2020 business year. Focussing on short and long term affects of the Coronavirus epidemic, he said the government and the Central Bank will help those in trouble.
Small and medium-sized companies are the most exposed to the economic and financial impacts of the epidemic. They must immediately change their business strategy if they wish to survive, said Mr. Orbán. Members of the Chambers should help to identify the specific measures required by each industrial and service sector. On this basis, the government will draw up an action plan to provide support to the business actors. „By the end of April, we may see the most essential measures more clearly”, said the PM.
The Prime Minister believes a coronavirus pandemic cannot be avoided. No vaccine will be available to protect people from the virus in the short run, he said. „China seems to be able to tackle the epidemic, but it has taken 5 or 6 months to control it. In our case it means our tourist season will be seriously affected.” Companies in the tourist and catering sectors, in particular, should be prepared for a severe decline in their turnover.
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Photo: MTI/Koszticsák Szilárd