Pozíció: ügyvéd (Budapest)
Nyelvismeret: angol
Végzettség: egyetem (József Attila Tudományegyetem, Szeged, 1997)/University degree (József Attila University, Szeged, 1997
Jogi, illetve gazdasági specializáció
- Társasági jog - Corporate Law
- Társasági jog - Joint Ventures, Consortia, Cooperation
- Ingatlan- és építésügyi jog - Real Estate and Construction
- Energia és természeti erőforrások - Energy and Natural Resources
- Szállítási - közlekedési jog - Transport
- Munkajog - Employment
- Gyógyszeripar, egészségügyi jog - Pharmaceutical
- Egyéb - Other Szerencsejáték/Gambling
Választottbírósági gyakorlat
- Választottbíróként 8 lezárt és 8 folyamatban lévő ügy a jelen választottbíróság előtt./ 8 closed and 8 ongoing cases as an arbitrator
- all of them before the present institution.
- Szerepelek a BAC (Belgrade Arbitration Center), az LCIA (London Court of International Arbitration) neutrals, a VIAC (Vienna International Arbitral Centre), a Lewiatan Court of Arbitration (Warsaw) és a KCAB (Korean Commercial Arbitration Board) INTERNATIONAL választottbírói listáján./Listed as a foreign member of the BAC (Belgrade Arbitration Center), on LCIA’s database of neutrals, among the List of Practitioners at the VIAC (Vienna International Arbitral Centre), on the list of Arbitrators of the Lewiatan Court of Arbitration (Warsaw) and
- among KCAB INTERNATIONAL’s Panel of International Arbitrators
Publikációk, konferencia előadások
- author of the ‘Hungary’ chapter in the 6th edition of Arbitration World by Sweet & Maxwell (2018)
- - co-author of “Protecting National Assets à la Hungary — Unexpected Restriction To Arbitration” (Mealey’s International Arbitration Report, October 2014)
- - co-author of the Hungary chapter of the “Company Acquisitions Handbook” on the regulatory aspects of acquisitions in the EU (Bloomsbury Professional Limited, 2009 and 2011)
- - co-author of the ‘Hungary’ chapter in Chambers Gaming Law 2019 Guide
- - Gaming in Hungary – a legal overview (Aug/Sept 2009 issue of iGBAffiliate)
- - moderator during the 4th IBA Global Entrepreneurship Conference “Disruption meets tradition” in Munich (2018)
- - speaker of the panel “Incentivising talent” at the International Bar Association’s 2nd IBA Global Entrepreneurship Conference in Barcelona (2016)
- - speaker of the panel on the latest developments in the regulation of online gambling in the European Union, the European Commission’s Green Paper and submissions at the Autumn Conference of the International Masters of Gaming Law held in Vienna in 2011
- - speaking on the legal background of gambling in Hungary at the Affiliate Conference of iGaming Business held in Budapest in 2009
- - speaker of the panel on Hotel and Casino Development at the Annual Conference of the IBA held in Singapore in 2007.