Pozíció: ügyvéd (Párizs), egyetemi adjunktus (ESSEC Business School, Párizs)
Nyelvismeret: angol, német, francia
Végzettség: jogász (ELTE ÁJK), LLM (Oxford University), PhD (Aix-en-Provence) | francia jogász (Aix-en-Provence), angol jogász (Oxford/London) | Solicitor (England & Wales), Avocat (Párizs), Európai Közösségi Jogász (Budapest)
Jogi, illetve gazdasági specializáció
- Társasági jog - Corporate Law
- Társasági jog - Joint Ventures, Consortia, Cooperation
- Kereskedelmi jog, franchise - Sales & Distribution, Franchising
- Pénzügyi és bankjog -Finance and Banking
- Ingatlan- és építésügyi jog - Real Estate and Construction
- Energia és természeti erőforrások - Energy and Natural Resources
- Környezetvédelem - Environment
- Szállítási - közlekedési jog - Transport
- Képviseleti jog - Agency (Representation)
- Gyógyszeripar, egészségügyi jog - Pharmaceutical
- Közigazgatási jog - Administrative Law
- Adójog - Taxation
Választottbírósági gyakorlat
Sole Arbitrator, LCIA
List of arbitrators of the OHADA Common Court of Justice and Arbitration
MKIK mellett működő Állandó Választottbíróság
Assistant to the arbitral tribunal in Tamagot Bumi S.A. and Bumi Mauritania S.A. v. Islamic Republic of Mauritania (ICSID Case No. ARB/14/23).
Counsel in over 25 investment and commercial arbitration cases (ICC, ICSID, UNCITRAL, SCC, LCIA, ad hoc), as well as in annulment and enforcement proceedings (France, UK, USA, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland)
Hungarian Arbitration Association, President
Vienna International Arbitral Centre (VIAC), Member of the International Advisory Board
Publikációk, konferencia előadások
- V. Korom: The impact of the Achmea ruling on intra-EU BIT arbitration – a Hungarian perspective, in: Hungarian Yearbook of International and European Law 2020 [forthcoming]
- V. Korom: Budapest as a venue of international arbitration, in: János Burai-Kovács (ed.), A Kereskedelmi Választottbíróság Évkönyve 2019, HVGOrac 2020 [forthcoming]
- V. Korom: Signature de l’accord plurilatéral portant extinction des traités bilatéraux d’investissement intra-européens : la dernière heure de l’arbitrage d’investissement en Europe a-t-elle sonnée ?, Recueil Dalloz 2020/30
- V. Korom: Faut-il avoir peur des tribunaux d’investissement du CETA?, ESSEC Knowledge, November 2019
- V. Korom: Hungary, in: Csongor István Nagy (ed.), Investment Arbitration in Central and Eastern Europe, Elgar Arbitration Law and Practice series, Edward Elgar Publishing 2019
- V. Korom: Challenges to ICC and Other Foreign Institutional Arbitration under the New Hungarian Arbitration Act, ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin, 2019/3
- V. Korom: L'avenir du CETA : l'avis de la CJUE et la ratification par la France, Recueil Dalloz, 2019/31
- V. Korom: Is There Finally a (Partial) Solution to the 2017 Hungarian Arbitration Act’s Controversial Requirement that Arbitrators Reimburse Fees If the Award is Set Aside?, Kluwer Arbitration Blog, 6 August 2019
- V. Korom: Vers une nouvelle loi sur la surveillance?, Recueil Dalloz, 2019/24
- V. Korom (together with L. Sándor): Hungary Gives the Green Light for the Conclusion of a Termination Agreement for Intra-EU BITs, Kluwer Arbitration Blog, 14 January 2019
- V. Korom: Jurisprudence Achmea: la fin de l'arbitrage d'investissement au sein de l'Union européenne?, Recueil Dalloz, 2018/36
- V. Korom (together with H. Bouthinon-Dumas): Arrêt Achmea: quelles stratégies pour les entreprises européennes pour protéger leurs investissements dans l’UE?, Juriste d’entreprise magazine, 2018/31
- V. Korom (together with A. Schall/W. Doralt/D. Günther/M. Lamsa/W-G. Ringe/A. Schall/M. Siems/M. Stöber/Ch. Thole/Ch. Wiegand): Kommentar zum Companies Act 2006, Beck Verlag 2014
- V. Korom: La liberté d’établissement des personnes morales et l’affaire Cartesio: un pas en arrière?, Revue Lamy Droit des Affaires, mars 2009, no. 36
- V. Korom (together with M. Becht/L. Enriques): Centros and the cost of branching, Journal of Corporate Law Studies, Part 1, 2009/9
- V. Korom (together with M. Becht/L. Enriques): The Cost of Limited Branching in the EU, in: Michel Tison (ed.), Perspectives in Company Law and Financial Regulation - Essays in Honour of Professor Eddy Wymeersch, Cambridge University Press 2009
- V. Korom (together with P. Metzinger): Freedom of establishment for companies: the European Court of Justice confirms and refines its Daily Mail decision in the Cartesio case C-210/06, European Company and Financial Law Review, 2009/1
- V. Korom: IV. Európai Jogász Napok, 2007. május 3-5. Bécs, Európai Jog, 2007/4
- V. Korom (together with Ch. Gasser/E. Lemanska): Europäischer Juristentag, Österreichische Juristenzeitung, 2007/16
- 2019 October. EFILA Side Event at the UNCITRAL Working Group III meeting (Vienna). Presentation on “Why the proposed procedure for the selection of MIC judges does not serve the interest of small EU states”
- 2019 September. Kyiv Arbitration Days (Kyiv). Presentation on “Hacked evidence – now what?”
- 2019 September. Clifford Chance/ArbitralWomen/DIS (Frankfurt). Participation in round-table discussion on “Women in Arbitration”
- 2019 May. University of Teramo Workshop, The Impact of EU Investment Law on International Economic Regionalism (Teramo). Presentation on “State of Play in Intra-EU Investment Protection and Arbitration”
- 2019 April. Paris Arbitration Week (Paris). Organisation and participation in round-table discussion on “Alternatives to intra-EU ISDS in the aftermath of Achmea and the Member States’ Declaration of 15 January 2019”
- 2019 February. Center for Advanced Research in Dispute Settlement, Tour de Arbitration (Paris). Participation in round-table discussion on “World Investment Courts: Would it work?”
- 2019 January. EFILA Annual Conference, The EU and the future of international investment law and arbitration (London). Presentation on “Constructing a Multilateral Investment Court”
- 2018 November. European University Institute/HEC/Dechert conference: The EU law of unintended consequences - What is the impact of the Achmea judgment on investment and dispute settlement in the EU energy sector? (Paris). Presentation on “What are the implications of Achmea in investment treaty law? What degree of notice should national courts give to intra-EU investment treaty awards in light of the Achmea judgment?”
- 2018 June. Dutch Arbitration Association, Investment Arbitration Committee Meeting (Amsterdam). Participation in round-table discussion on “The consequences of the CJEU’s Achmea judgment for investment treaty arbitration”
- 2018 June. Center for International Legal Studies, International Arbitration Symposium (Salzburg). Presentation on “EU law and intra-EU investment arbitration – where do we stand?”
- 2018 May. KluwerWolters Third Hungarian Energy Law Conference (Budapest). Presentation on “Achmea and intra-EU disputes under the Energy Charter Treaty”
- 2018 May. Central European University Conference on The New Hungarian Arbitration Act: Views from Hungary and Abroad (Budapest). Presentation on “Arbitrability under French, English and Hungarian law”
- 2018 April. ICC YAF Killing me softly with EU Law: What to do after the CJEU Judgement in Achmea? (London). Participation in round-table discussion on “The Impact of Achmea on Intra-EU Investment Treaty Arbitration”
- 2018 April. Paris Arbitration Week (Paris). Organisation and participation in round-table discussion on “The Future of Intra-EU Investment Arbitration in the Aftermath of the Achmea Judgment”
- 2018 March. University of Oxford, Institute of European and Comparative Law Conference on ‘The New York Convention and European Union Law. Celebrating 60 Years of the New York Convention’ (Oxford). Participation in round-table discussion on “Enforcement of Arbitral Awards and European Union Law”
- 2017 October. Joint ICDR Y&I / YIAG event (Frankfurt). Participation in round-table discussion on “In-House & External Counsel”
- 2017 May. ICC YAF (Budapest). Presentation on “Provisional measures in investment arbitration”
- 2017 March. ICC YAF (Frankfurt). Presentation on “Backlash against investment arbitration and issue conflicts”
- 2016 September. KluwerWolters First Hungarian Energy Law Conference (Budapest). Presentation on “Lessons from the ICSID proceedings against Hungary in the field of energy”
- 2016 June. Center for International Legal Studies, International Arbitration Symposium (Salzburg). Presentation on “Parallel proceedings and Abuse of process”
- 2016 May. Central European University and Hungarian Academy of Sciences Joint Symposium (Budapest). Presentation on “Intra-EU Investment Arbitration – The CEE perspective”
- 2015 May. Moderator at the Shearman & Sterling IA Speaker Series (London) on “The EU and International Investment Law and Arbitration: Strange Bedfellows?”
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