Prof. Dr. Kronke, Herbert

Pozíció: egyetemi tanár (Heidelberg), a Német Állandó Választottbíróság elnöke
Nyelvismeret: German, English, Italian
Végzettség: Law studies in Mainz and Hamburg (Germany) and Edinburgh (UK), 1st State Exam, Hamburg, 2nd State Exam/Bar Exam, Hamburg, Dr. iur., Munich, Dr. iur habil. Trier, Dr. et professor hononoris causa ELTE, Budapest, Dr. h.c. Thessaloniki

Jogi, illetve gazdasági specializáció

  • Agency (Representation
  • Corporate Law
  • Joint Ventures, Consortia, Cooperation
  • - Sales & Distribution, Franchising
  • Energy and Natural Resources
  • Information and Communication Technologies
  • Finance and Banking

Választottbírósági gyakorlat

  • 70 arbitrations seated in England, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Hungary, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, United States under the rules of ICC, Milan Chamber, Stockholm Chamber, German Arbitration Institute (DIS), Associazione Italiana Arbitrato (AIA), HCCI, ICSID as well as ad hoc (e.g. under UNCITRAL Rules). In current position, state-to-state arbitrations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the United States of America under the Rules of Procedure of the IUSCT.

Publikációk, konferencia előadások

  • More than 150 books, articles, etc on private law (incl. comparative private law), private international law (conflict of laws), commercial law, company law, financial sevices, international civil procedure, arbitration

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