Prof. Dr. Wegen, Gerhard

Pozíció: Of Counsel, Gleiss Lutz (Stuttgart)Professor of Law, University of Tübingen
Nyelvismeret: German, English, French
Végzettség: Universities of Hamburg, Geneva/Switzerland, Tübingen and Harvard Law School(LL.M. 1981).

Jogi, illetve gazdasági specializáció

  • Corporate Law
  • Joint Ventures, Consortia, Cooperation
  • Energy and Natural Resources
  • Information and Communication Technologies
  • Finance and Banking

Választottbírósági gyakorlat

  • Chairman, Sole Arbitrator, Co-Arbitrator, Party's Counsel in international institutional and ad hoc, as well as domestic arbitrations in 136 cases in total

Publikációk, konferencia előadások

  • BGB-Kommentar (Commentary on the German Civil Code), 15th ed. 2020 (co-editor/co-author) ZPO-Kommentar (Commentary on the German Civil Procedure Code), 12th ed. 2020 (co-author) The Statute of the International Court of Justice, A Commentary, 3rd ed. 2019 (co-author) Münchener Anwaltshandbuch zum Internationalen Wirtschaftsrecht (Manual on International Business Transactions), 2017 (co-author) Praxishandbuch Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit (Practice Manual on Arbitration), 2nd ed. 2017 (co-author) Commercial Dispute Resolution in Germany, 2nd ed. 2016 (co-author) Gesellschaftsrecht des Auslands (Corporate Laws of the World), loose-leaf, 2013 (co-editor/co-author) International Joint Ventures, 2013 (co-author) Materials on International Arbitration, 2007 (co-editor) Internationales Gesellschaftsrecht in der Praxis (The Practice of International Corporate Law), 2005 (co-editor/co-author)

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